[Italicized comments are my own and not from the referenced article.]
McCain, Obama go for jugular
Rodney King once asked whether we could all "get along." No, Rodney -- we apparently can't.
Rivals Present Sharp Divide on Iraq Goals
It's worth noting that the Iraqis want us out of their country as soon as possible ...
Scraping the Bottom
Obama supporters don't have entirely clean hands, but McCain backers have engaged in the sort of deplorable conduct that should embarrass their candidate.
Mishaps mark John McCain's record as naval aviator
So now McCain lies about his naval career, too? Good grief. What does this schmuck tell the truth about?!
Steve Schmidt: The driving force behind John McCain
This guy seems pretty clueless. Would probably have been more suited to running the '88 Dukakis campaign. Would've fit in great with those morons.
Barack Obama accuses Republicans of distracting voters from the economy
If I ran the McCain campaign, I'd be doing everything I could think of to distract voters from the economy (and my candidate's views). Actually, if I ran that campaign, I'd probably be looking for another job.
SNL Takes on the Mortgage Crisis
Election season must be the best time to work at 'SNL!'
GOP Seeks Probe of Donations to Obama
The Obama campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars. They're not exactly "desperate" to raise money. The GOP is grasping at straws and trying to create issues where none exist.
In the Event of a Tie
Let's try not to think about this possibility right now. :-)
Under Financial Restraints, McCain Drops Michigan
"Turn out the lights, the party's over ..."
A Pal Around McCain
McCain doesn't have the best economic adivsors in the world, which is particularly frightening when you remember that he's admitted to not understanding economics very well himself.
Campaigns Do Battle Over Ayers, Keating
I'm willing to bet that if the McCain campaign hadn't seen fit to start the mudslinging, the Obama campaign (or its surrogates) would have never uttered a word about Keating.
Exclusive: Obama to hit McCain on Keating Five
It's about damn time.
Palin criticizes Obama's ties to Wright, Ayers
Palin should probably shut up ... or people might have to start talking about her first being born 8 months after her wedding ... about her alleged affair with her husband's former business partner ... about her husband's DUI ... about her husband's membership in (and her support of) the Alaska Independence movement ... about -- well, you get the idea.
McCain's Running Mate
I'm willing to bet that McCain will actually mention Palin in this week's debate. Okay, well, he'll probably mention her. But I guarantee you that he'll mention Petraeus.
From the GOP's New Guard, the Audacity of Nope
Despite evidence that their philosophies don't actually work, Republicans are amazingly willing to continue trying the same crap.
Miller clashed with Palin over science on global warming
Palin is a nutcase. A complete lunatic.
McCain Will Cut Medicare and Medicaid to Fund Health Plan
At this point, the McCain campaign is so desperate and discombobulated that they're not exactly sure what their proposals are.
McCain, Obama go for jugular
Rodney King once asked whether we could all "get along." No, Rodney -- we apparently can't.
Rivals Present Sharp Divide on Iraq Goals
It's worth noting that the Iraqis want us out of their country as soon as possible ...
Scraping the Bottom
Obama supporters don't have entirely clean hands, but McCain backers have engaged in the sort of deplorable conduct that should embarrass their candidate.
Mishaps mark John McCain's record as naval aviator
So now McCain lies about his naval career, too? Good grief. What does this schmuck tell the truth about?!
Steve Schmidt: The driving force behind John McCain
This guy seems pretty clueless. Would probably have been more suited to running the '88 Dukakis campaign. Would've fit in great with those morons.
Barack Obama accuses Republicans of distracting voters from the economy
If I ran the McCain campaign, I'd be doing everything I could think of to distract voters from the economy (and my candidate's views). Actually, if I ran that campaign, I'd probably be looking for another job.
SNL Takes on the Mortgage Crisis
Election season must be the best time to work at 'SNL!'
GOP Seeks Probe of Donations to Obama
The Obama campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars. They're not exactly "desperate" to raise money. The GOP is grasping at straws and trying to create issues where none exist.
In the Event of a Tie
Let's try not to think about this possibility right now. :-)
Under Financial Restraints, McCain Drops Michigan
"Turn out the lights, the party's over ..."
A Pal Around McCain
McCain doesn't have the best economic adivsors in the world, which is particularly frightening when you remember that he's admitted to not understanding economics very well himself.
Campaigns Do Battle Over Ayers, Keating
I'm willing to bet that if the McCain campaign hadn't seen fit to start the mudslinging, the Obama campaign (or its surrogates) would have never uttered a word about Keating.
Exclusive: Obama to hit McCain on Keating Five
It's about damn time.
Palin criticizes Obama's ties to Wright, Ayers
Palin should probably shut up ... or people might have to start talking about her first being born 8 months after her wedding ... about her alleged affair with her husband's former business partner ... about her husband's DUI ... about her husband's membership in (and her support of) the Alaska Independence movement ... about -- well, you get the idea.
McCain's Running Mate
I'm willing to bet that McCain will actually mention Palin in this week's debate. Okay, well, he'll probably mention her. But I guarantee you that he'll mention Petraeus.
From the GOP's New Guard, the Audacity of Nope
Despite evidence that their philosophies don't actually work, Republicans are amazingly willing to continue trying the same crap.
Miller clashed with Palin over science on global warming
Palin is a nutcase. A complete lunatic.
McCain Will Cut Medicare and Medicaid to Fund Health Plan
At this point, the McCain campaign is so desperate and discombobulated that they're not exactly sure what their proposals are.
Palin and McCain are dangerous people. If Americans elect these people, they will deserve what they get.
if mccain couldn't fly a jet without crashing it, why should we give him the keys to the white house?
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