Poll Says McCain Hurts His Bid by Using Attacks
The McCain/Palin campaign saw what they thought was an easy way to make some political hay -- but it was just a trap set by the political gods. And they walked right into it. :-)
Poll: Obama now leads McCain 50% to 41%
This is actually one of the smallest Obama leads I've seen in the last couple of days.
Obama's Internal Polls Show Him Cleaning Up Against McCain
And the good news just keeps coming!
McCain calls for 'voter fraud' inquiry
People engaging in fraud should be prosecuted, but McCain and the GOP are just grasping at straws here and trying to turn something into a major issue that simply isn't one.
Obama: We don’t need ACORN’s help
Damn right.
John McCain proposes new package of tax breaks
There's a shocker. A Republican proposing more tax cuts! Wow. Would it work? No. Will that stop them from bringing it up all the time? Of course not.
Who Needs a 60-Vote Majority? Maybe Not Obama
I'm very optimistic about this election, but not enough to predict that the Democrats will end up with 60 or more seats in the Senate.
Buckley leaves National Review after Obama endorsement
He's not the only conservative bailing on McCain. That lifeboat is getting pretty damn full!
Stephanopoulos: Is There Anything McCain Can Do?
Not really, no. If he gets too aggressive, he risks driving people further away.
Diverging Campaigns To Meet In Last Debate
At this point, McCain has to hope that Obama makes a major mistake ...
Obama, McCain hope to woo undecideds in debate
There just aren't enough of them left to swing the contest to McCain (unless he won almost all of them) ...
The Final Throw-Down
Obama just needs to be himself and keep doing what he's been doing. Increasingly, he's being viewed by Americans as the candidate who is better under pressure, and his goal tonight should be to bolster that view.
Commentary: Time for Palin to answer tough questions
Won't happen.
McCain, advisers divided over Wright attack
Most things they're doing these days smack of desperation, and this wouldn't be any different. Bring it on if you dare!
'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur
No, it shouldn't be -- but largely due to 9/11, it is in many circles.
1 comment:
Palin is crazy, stupid and a bad mother.
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