Thursday, October 2, 2008

Early VP debate impressions

First, I would like to say that I appreciate the fact that Sarah Palin Comparison, unlike John McSame, actually looked her opponent in the eye. But that's pretty much all she did. Sure, something like 85% of respondents to a Faux News poll said that Palin "won" the debate, but in the hell else would you expect of the viewers of that channel?!

Everything seemed to be about "energy" to her tonight and she wouldn't answer the questions. As Keith Olbermann said, "She was asked about question X and she answered question Y." She couldn't (or wouldn't) explain how John McCain's administration would be different than that of George Bush. Why?

Sure, she didn't throw up or fall off of the stage ... so in that respect she is a winner. But I doubt she changed anybody's mind.


Anonymous said...

Palin is SCARY stupid.

Anonymous said...

i'm still not impressed with palin at all.

Anonymous said...

Biden wasn't GREAT but he was better than Palin.