Concern in G.O.P. After Rough Week for McCain http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/12/us/politics/12strategy.html
"Head for the lifeboats! Women and children first!"
Exclusive: McCain to unveil new economic plans
Hey, idiot -- you can't decrease every damn tax in the country at once. DESPERATION has led you to try everything you can think of to pander to the voters.
Undecided voters?
There simply aren't many undecideds left ... and among those that are, many are breaking towards Obama.
McCain makes risky play for Pennsylvania
Desperate times are indeed calling for desperate measures ... :-)
Put Country First
Obama was perfectly content to make this campaign about the issues, but McCain and Palin felt the need to start slinging mud and making this about less important things (or things that aren't important at all).
Obama calls Ayers charges 'smears'
Of course they are. Duh. The people who believe they're true, however, probably weren't ever going to vote for you in the first place, unfortunately.
Obama Battles Block by Block to Get Voters to Polls
Sounds like the Obama campaign has put a lot of thought and work into this -- thank goodness.
Obama rides a wave of bad economic news
I honestly believe that Obama would win this election even if the economy were good, but McCain's pathetic economic "plans" are even driving many Republican voters towards the Obama column.
Issue of Race Creeps Into Campaign
This is the 21st Century ... right?!
Keating Connection: The Sequel
Good grief. Shouldn't they know better?
Sarah Palin's husband, Todd, was a fixture at governor's office
C'mon, GOPers -- where's the outrage? You used to pitch regular fits over the notion of Hillary Clinton being involved in her husband's Little Rock and Washington administrations. Are you hypocrites, or does this bother you, too?!
Palin's Record On Church-State Separation
Hey, Sarah -- you should shouldn't be using taxpayer money to promote religious stuff. Just don't.
This election is OVER.
CBW, don't waste your time waiting for Republicans to realize they are being hypocrites. Won't happen.
The Republicans SHOULD be scared!!!!!!!!!
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