Sit Down and Shut Up
I'm looking very forward to the final debate, but it would be nice if the candidates actually managed to answer the questions. Hey, it's important to have dreams! :-)
Obama Details Plan to Aid Victims of Fiscal Crisis http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/14/us/politics/14campaign.html
While I don't agree with every aspect of Obama's proposal, on the whole it is a good one. And, unlike McCain, at least he is making an effort!
Obama proposes new recovery package
And from the other side ... ? Right -- nothing.
McCain to offer new economic plan
But wait -- here comes something. Let me guess ... it's going to include a truckload of tax cuts, right?
Who's in control of McCain's campaign?
A rudderless ship will never find its port ... and the McCain campaign is a ship without a rudder that's also springing leaks all over the place.
McCain is looking for another comeback
He's not going to find it.
Extremism at McCain Rallies Comes Naturally
Of course it does ... partly because some of these folks are extremists in the first place, and partly because their candidate is getting his butt kicked.
Sex Scandal Shakes Race for Congress in Florida
Nothing to say about this except, "What a dumbass!"
Bringing us together
The next president needs to have the ability to unite people, and McCain just doesn't have that. He's too damn angry and comes across as the grumpy old man who chases the neighborhood kids off of his lawn.
RNC eyes $5M bailout for GOP senators
It is increasingly looking like the Obama victory will have some serious coattails.
GOP ditches recruits to save incumbents
You really can't blame them. Incumbents are more valuable to the Party.
Officials warned Palin aides about trooper feud, report finds
Uhhhhhh ... they were right.
Ex-Official: Palin Lied, Threw Me Under Bus
Yep, I think that pretty much covers it.
Commentary: So what if Obama were a Muslim or an Arab?
I know there would be people in this country that would care, but I wouldn't. I was looking for the best candidate to lead this country, and I found him.
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