Can McCain Pull Off October Surprise?
Uhhhhhh ... no.
Second Debate Looms Large For McCain
He does pretty well in the "town hall" environment, but he'll start tonight so deep in a hole that it's going to be tough to gain much ground.
Debate Preview: Town Hall Format May Not Help John McCain This Time
McCain is screwed.
How McCain could pull this one off
Let's see ... uhhhhhh ... perhaps a series of miracles ... and it would help if Obama bailed out of the campaign and was replaced by Gilbert Gottfried.
The Crisis Agenda
Both candidates have some explaining to do this evening, but the good news for Democrats is that Obama's job is fair easier -- in large part because he understands what he's talking about ...
McCain, Obama introduce newly sharp tone amid major news events
To be fair, McCain is the candidate who began the mudslinging -- out of desperation, I assume. Obama is only defending himself, although I (like many Americans) would have preferred a more civil end to the campaign.
Dangerous Territory
Having said the things he's said in the past, McCain should be ashamed of himself for concluding this campaign the way he is ...
As Palin Brings Up Ayers, Obama Team Cites Keating
Trust me, GOPers -- you really didn't want to go down this road. Not only does it make you look bad (and desperate), it's not a winning issue for you.
Commentary: Stop the negative campaigning
It's a nice dream to have ... but Republicans only know one way to campaign.
John McCain's options narrow on the electoral college map
Barring disaster, McCain has basically no chance of winning this election. It's over.
Obama Leading In Ohio, Poll Finds
Let the landslide begin ...
Obama gaining in 5 battleground states, polls say
This thing is over -- and with that realization, more GOP mudslinging is sure to follow.
The Flimflam Strategy
Let's face it -- the media is not exactly known for thinking for itself.
Palin's Imaginary Washington
Palin is ignorant and, well, not too bright.
Palin Overstates Energy Experience
Not exactly a surprise ...
Analysis: Palin’s Lost Luster a Gain for Obama
People are starting to figure out that Palin is an empty-headed windbag who doesn't have a clue.
By all appearances, it is the McCain/Palin campaign that is the dishonorable one ...
McCain Spot Distorts Obama Comment About Military
Wow -- whaddya know?! Another McCain lie ...
Obama should go ahead and start planning the transition.
I have a better chance of winning a gold medal in female gymnastics than McCain has of winning this election.
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