Check out this piece of filth:
Kay Hagan's response:
The Dole campaign stepped across the line on this one. The topper is the part where they show a picture of Hagan while a woman's voice -- not Hagan's -- says, “There is no God.”
This is absolutely indecent. It is a vicious lie born of Dole's desperation in a race in which she has trailed for weeks. Political campaigns can be dirty sometimes, but this sort of character assassination has no place in politics. Elizabeth Dole is scum for approving this commercial in the first place -- and then for refusing to remove it from the airwaves. Hopefully, the voters of North Carolina will reject this style of campaigning on Election Day.
dole SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG. I can't believe this!
Dole clearly knows that she's going to go down in flames.
Dole now has a commercial out saying that her first ad wasn't questioning Hagen's faith. WHAT?
It does not matter whether you are a theist or atheist, what matters is sincerity, forgiveness, and compassion.
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
republicans don't know jack about sincerity, forgiveness OR compassion.
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