Obama and McCain Clash Over Economy
The more I hear McCain talk, the more I realize that Obama is right in saying that McCain just "doesn't get it."
The Second Presidential Debate: CQ Politics’ Bests and Mosts
There were some good lines last night, but nothing that will live on forever in the minds of the American people ...
McCain loses by not winning
The title pretty much says it all.
McCain, Obama clash over economy in a testy debate
It wasn't as "testy" as I feared it might be, but McCain's body language and attitude was pretty bad.
McCain, Obama Square Off Over How to Fix the Economy
McCain understands the economy and how to fix it even less than I understand particle physics.
In debate, McCain and Obama battle mostly to a draw
I would say that Obama "won" the debate, but not by an overwhelming margin. Still, McCain needed a knockout, and he didn't get it.
Debate II: McCain struggles to derail Obama
McCain just didn't get the job done.
CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Favor Obama
McCain lost to "tie" again. This has got to be a little embarrassing for him ... :-)
Analysis: A game changer? Not this time
McCain is running out of time and opportunities to turn this thing around.
No Game-Changing Moment for John McCain in Debate Against Barack Obama
Do you sense a theme here?
Obama picks up second debate win, poll says
I'm sensing a trend ... :-)
McCain needed something BIG to happen, and it didn't. More of the status quo wasn't going to be enough for him.
Debate reaction varies
I'm not sure that anyone looking to make up their minds heard anything last night that would've swayed them in one direction or the other.
Fact Check: McCain, Obama Charges and Countercharges
McCain wouldn't know a fact if it rose up and bit him in the nose.
Politics of Attack
McCain and Palin should be ashamed of the sort of campaign they're running, but the sad thing is that they're probably not.
Sorting Out the Truth in Attacks on Obama and McCain
Palin is a nut and McCain is turning into an addled old man with a tenuous grip on reality.
Dems Gain in Five of Six New CQ Politics Rating Changes
Americans have largely decided that Republican policies have been a failure.
Tina Fey Leads Pack of Palin Impersonators
Palin is one of those folks that just cries out to be mocked and lampooned ...
Palin effect not 'long lasting'
The Palin pick was a gamble that is not going to pay off. Everything McCain tries in an attempt to come up with a "game changer" has fallen flat.
Biden: Palin’s attacks ‘malarkey’
OF COURSE they are. They're born out of desperation, so they're not likely to make sense or be true.
Sarah Palin Vs. President Barack Obama in 2012?
Listen up, GOPers: I beg of you, PLEASE nominate Sarah Palin in '12. Please do it.
Advisers worry about ‘grumpy McCain’
McCain is grumpy ... and with a temper that he finds difficult to control.
Obama’s Victory Road?
If Obama wins Florida, there's almost no chance that McCain can win this election.
Make-Believe Maverick
If you're thinking about voting for McCain, please read this article. And pass it along to any other wrong-thinking people you know ... :-)
mccain is a psycho!
Not sure that McCain is a "psycho" -- but he's definitely come unhinged in the last few weeks.
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