Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's Links (10/31) -- The "McCain-Is-SCARED" Halloween Edition

Growing Doubts on Palin Take a Toll, Poll Finds

The notion of Palin as president simply scares the crap out of a lot of people.

Ms. Palin’s Same Old, Same Old

Blah, blah, blah ... Joe Sixpack ... hockey mom ... Bill Ayers ... blah, blah, blah.

Cover this! Inside the nastiest ’08 rumors

Wow -- this is some WILD stuff.

McCain and Obama focus on differences on economy

Obama understands the economy and has a coherent plan; McCain doesn't.

An 'Idiot Wind'

The McCain campaign just needs to shut up. John McCain has his own ties to Rashid Khalidi.

McCain's Secret Polls

Delusion has now taken over the candidate's pollsters as well. Must be contagious!

How political polls work -- and why they can differ so much

Polling is a fairly complex thing, and so many variables come into play that it makes it hard to explain.

What's up with still-undecided voters?

What in the hell is wrong with these people?! How could they not have heard enough by now to make a decision?!

The Final Hours

I wish I knew what was going on in the heads of these people.

How Does a Red State Turn Blue?

It's been great to have my state be a part of this thing. Usually, candidates don't spend much time here after October 1st!

Now, the $2 Billion Campaign

There are clearly flaws in the system. Whether any of those flaws will ever be fixed is questionable, however.

Referendum on Trickle-Down

"Trickle-down" economics does not work. Period. I am baffled as to why conservatives still try it (other than the fact that it makes their wealthy supporters happy).

God, Country and McCain

These poor kids are nuts.

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