Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today's Links (10/9)

[Italicized comments are my own and not from the referenced article.]

From Outsider To Politician

... and now President of the United States.

G.O.P. Facing Tougher Battle for Congress

American voters have a serious case of GOP Fatigue.

One Man’s Crony ...

John McCain has no room to talk about anyone's associates. None at all.

Mr. McCain's Mortgage Offer

I often think that not even McCain himself understands the words that are coming out of his mouth.

McCain campaign ratchets up the rhetoric,0,6384384.story

Hate and lies are pretty much all they've got. Issues? Nope. Popular support? Nope.

McCain Wages Negative TV Ad Campaign Against Obama

Desperation leads one to irrationality ...

McCain camp hits hard tying Obama to Ayers

This is just pathetic. There's no real issue here, but since McCain doesn't have anything else, he's trying to make something from nothing. Loser.

Obama looks to ‘better days ahead’,0,5302474.story

They can't be any worse than what we're going through now ... unless, of course, McCain pulls off a miracle and wins. Then things are really going to suck.

In the culture war's trenches,0,5361438.story

Look, Sarah Palin does not express the views of a majority of Americans -- we'd better hope. If most of us think they way she does, then we're screwed.

A Question for Sarah Palin

Palin is a clueless dolt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The GOP needs to forget about this Bill Ayers stuff. It's a losing issue for them.