Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today's Links (10/21) -- The "Sarah-Palin-Wasn't-Immune-To-Bad-80s-Fashion" Edition

Sarah Palin's college years left no lasting impression

No real surprise there. She was hardly at any of these schools long enough to make a significant impression.

Who Cares How Colin Powell Is Voting?

I really didn't think that Powell's endorsement would make much of a difference ... but maybe it will.

The Power of Powell's Rebuke

It was clear that Powell put a lot of thought into this decision and that he has major issues with McCain's campaign. Definitely didn't come to it lightly or easily.

Swing voters are bothered by John McCain's temperament and his party

Some of the rest of us are bothered, too!

Barack Obama turns rivals' words on them in Florida

Truth be told, that's really not too hard to do. After all, they're giving him a LOT of material to work with!

McCain Emphasizes Distance From Bush

He can try that all he wants, but it's tough to believe when he wants to carry on most of Bush's policies.

Questions About Their Health

I agree that all four candidates should release their complete medical records. There really isn't any excuse for not doing it.

Self-inflicted Wound Puts Bachmann in Jeopardy

This woman is completely unhinged. Anybody who saw her on "Hardball" last Friday should question her fitness to hold office.

Worried About the Crazies

They're not the only ones ...


Anonymous said...

if palin was from any other state, she would've had a lot more competition and never would've made it past the PTA.

Anonymous said...

You're likely correct about that.

Anonymous said...

Sounds right to me!