Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's SCARED-TO-DEATH Edition of the Video Vault

Having more money to spend than you know what to do with is a problem that most campaigns never have to worry about ... but the Obama campaign has TONS of cash. :-)

Sounds to me like community organizers have plenty of responsibilities ...

Your Moment of Zen: Joe the Plumber stands up McCain!

What are we going to do for entertainment after next Tuesday? :-)

Unless you're a diehard Republican, you're probably not paying much attention to Mrs. Hasselbeck in the first place.

This kid should've known better ... but I think that perhaps the homeowner went a little bit far.

Connecting McCain to Bill Ayers should be difficult, but, amazingly, it isn't.

This man looks like the President of the United States; McCain doesn't.

Watch CBS Videos Online

How many more days until this is over? Really? Okay, that's bearable.

Today's Links (10/31) -- The "McCain-Is-SCARED" Halloween Edition

Growing Doubts on Palin Take a Toll, Poll Finds

The notion of Palin as president simply scares the crap out of a lot of people.

Ms. Palin’s Same Old, Same Old

Blah, blah, blah ... Joe Sixpack ... hockey mom ... Bill Ayers ... blah, blah, blah.

Cover this! Inside the nastiest ’08 rumors

Wow -- this is some WILD stuff.

McCain and Obama focus on differences on economy

Obama understands the economy and has a coherent plan; McCain doesn't.

An 'Idiot Wind'

The McCain campaign just needs to shut up. John McCain has his own ties to Rashid Khalidi.

McCain's Secret Polls

Delusion has now taken over the candidate's pollsters as well. Must be contagious!

How political polls work -- and why they can differ so much

Polling is a fairly complex thing, and so many variables come into play that it makes it hard to explain.

What's up with still-undecided voters?

What in the hell is wrong with these people?! How could they not have heard enough by now to make a decision?!

The Final Hours

I wish I knew what was going on in the heads of these people.

How Does a Red State Turn Blue?

It's been great to have my state be a part of this thing. Usually, candidates don't spend much time here after October 1st!

Now, the $2 Billion Campaign

There are clearly flaws in the system. Whether any of those flaws will ever be fixed is questionable, however.

Referendum on Trickle-Down

"Trickle-down" economics does not work. Period. I am baffled as to why conservatives still try it (other than the fact that it makes their wealthy supporters happy).

God, Country and McCain

These poor kids are nuts.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elizabeth Dole Is SCUM.

Many people in the US have seen Elizabeth Dole's new campaign ad, but if you live in North Carolina (like I do), I can almost guarantee that you've seen it. In an ironic twist, Elizabeth Dole has sold her soul to the devil by questioning her opponent's faith. Her disgusting commercial not only does that but also pretty much calls Kay Hagan godless -- something for which the Dole campaign ought to be ashamed. They, however, are not -- and, in fact, seem to be proud of sinking to a level previously inhabited in North Carolina only by the late Jesse Helms.

Check out this piece of filth:

Kay Hagan's response:

The Dole campaign stepped across the line on this one. The topper is the part where they show a picture of Hagan while a woman's voice -- not Hagan's -- says, “There is no God.”

This is absolutely indecent. It is a vicious lie born of Dole's desperation in a race in which she has trailed for weeks. Political campaigns can be dirty sometimes, but this sort of character assassination has no place in politics. Elizabeth Dole is scum for approving this commercial in the first place -- and then for refusing to remove it from the airwaves. Hopefully, the voters of North Carolina will reject this style of campaigning on Election Day.

Today's SUPERSIZED Edition of the Video Vault

The GOP campaign has just turned into a clusterf*#k -- a world-class clusterf*#k, mind you, but a clusterf*#k nevertheless.

The next President of the United States!

And now your Moment of Zen ...

Colbert makes the jump!

See more Paul Scheer videos at Funny or Die

There are some ssttttrrrrrrrange people in this country.

Hey, I LOVED the 30-minute ad. :-)

Would Joe the Plumber just freakin' GO AWAY already?!

The Bush Doctrine is one of the last things in the universe that needs to be expanded.

Yeah, this was a good idea ... not.

This man is delusional.

Today's Links (10/30) -- The "VOTE EARLY" Edition

The Decided Go in Droves to Vote Early

My wife and I voted yesterday, and I encourage you to vote before Tuesday if you can possibly do so.

The Success of Early Voting

Early voting is one of the great changes to our republic's system of government over the last couple of decades, but there are probably ways to make it even better.

Vote watchdogs warn of troubles on election day

Like I said, VOTE EARLY.

Obama's Early Vote Push

All evidence indicates that Obama's emphasis on early voting has been paying dividends, although we'll still have to wait until Tuesday night to know just how much.

Early Voters Breaking Records

Music to my ears! :-)

Delightful Surprise for North Carolinians: They Matter in the Presidential Race

For the first time since I began voting in presidential elections in 1992, my vote might actually mean something ... and like a lot of Carolinians, I'm very happy about that!

ObamaVision: An Appeal to the Masses

Mark my words: henceforth, all presidential campaigns that can afford to produce and broadcast such a video will do so. This thing rocked. :-)

Obama 'Informercial' Brings in the Ratings

30 million viewers? Not bad at all!

McCain, Palin criticize L.A. Times over Obama video

There is no issue here. Yet again, the GOP ticket is manufacturing an issue where none exists, and it's really beginning to tick me off.

McCain Again Points to Obama's Associates

THERE. IS. NO. ISSUE. HERE. It would be nice if McCain and Palin would actually talk about things that matter and tell the truth when they do it.

In Florida, White House hopefuls battle bitterly

McCain is an angry, bitter old man whose time on the national stage is coming to an end -- and he's desperate. Desperation leads a person to do crazy things, right?

Can One Party Rule?

I think it can, but I also believe that it's necessary to do so with restraint and wisdom -- something politicians often throw out the window.

Call Him John the Careless

When George Will, one of the leading voices of conservatism, turns on you, your shelf-life as a viable GOP candidate is coming to an end.

What We've Learned About McCain

We've learned that he's an erratic nutjob.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today's MASSIVE Can't-Miss Edition of the Video Vault

I'd love to see Stevens go to prison, but at his age I'm not sure that a judge would sentence him to jail time.

Didn't the whole "air quotes" thing go out of fashion 20 years ago? McCain is really keeping up with the times, isn't he?

And, now, your Moment of Zen. :-)

Hell, even Paris freakin' Hilton would almost be better than John McCain -- and certainly better than Sarah Palin.

Preach it, Joe!

If you have to call yourself a "maverick," you're not one.

Sarah Palin basically sucks. Let's just come out and say it. :-)

I admire the heck out of these workers.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

And now some short films from Robert Greenwald:

Today's Links (10/29) -- The "Who-Is-Al-Qaeda's-Candidate?" Edition

Al Qaeda’s Voter Survey

A candidate DEFINITELY wants to avoid this endorsement if at all possible.

Alaska G.O.P. Still Backs Re-election for Stevens

You've got to be kidding me. Does Stevens have blackmail pictures of GOP officials?!

End of the Road for Ted Stevens

The voters of Alaska would have to be idiots to vote for this guy ... although they did elect Sarah Palin, so ...

Stevens' 40-year itch

It's time to go away, Teddy. Now.

Obama leads McCain in Florida and Ohio, poll says

My instincts tell me that both states are probably closer than this poll indicates, and I'm sort of still of the mind that I'll believe a Democratic victory in Florida when I see it.

Campaign donor's contributions raise questions

Who is this guy?

He's Not Robin Hood

The notion that Obama is a Socialist is completely insane ... although it does fit with McCain's strategies of desperation.

Sorting Out the Truth on McCain’s “Socialism” Allegations

I'm waiting for the next insane charge. McCain will probably call Obama a Communist next.

Dear Mr. President

Whoever the next president is, that person is going to need a psychiatrist on-call -- because this country has a LOT of problems.

Measure Those Drapes

I once went up to one of the guards at the White House and asked them if I could go in and measure for carpet. For some reason, he was not too amused. ;-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The McCain tax myth

Are you one of those people who believes that electing John McCain will be better for you on April 15th? Just check out this statistical chart:

Basically, unless you're making several million dollars per year, electing Obama will be better for you come tax time (or only marginally worse).

Today's Video Vault -- The "Obama-Isn't-An-Arab-Muslim" Edition

GOP campaigns have to boil things down to a couple of words because that's just about all their voters can remember.

This is just some scary s**t.

Uhhhhhh ... Sarah?

I detest Sarah Palin ... but this is simply disgusting and wrong.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for McCain to say anything about this ...

Palin has gone off of the reservation in a big way ... and I'm not sure what she's thinking. Of course, I've NEVER been sure what she was thinking.

And this impersonator isn't even a good one.

The McCain campaign is, however, due for at least one more meltdown before the week is over.

Today's Links (10/28) -- The "GOP-Senator-Headed-To-Prison" Edition

Alaska Senator Is Found Guilty on 7 Ethics Counts

This guy is a crook, and it's good to see that a jury finally got the chance to formally give him that label.

The Stevens Verdict

A person who believes they are above the law deserves to be taken down.

McCain: Stevens Should Resign

Well ... DUH. Unfortunately, Stevens will probably try to hang on somehow... at least for a little while.

Corruption conviction doesn't daunt Sen. Ted Stevens

Well, it should.

Party Lawyers Ready to Keep an Eye on the Polls

I have a dream ... a dream that someday we will have an election without election lawyers on retainer.

How Bad Are Electronic Voting Machines?

I'd feel a lot better about things if all machines had a paper trail ... and if they printed out a confirmation of your choices after you vote (like a store receipt).

The Candidates’ Health Plans

McCain doesn't really have anything resembling a coherent plan on anything.

Campaign on Empty

The McCain/Palin campaign is just SAD at this point. Pathetic desperation isn't too attractive.

Why McCain is getting hosed in the press

Because he's running a crappy, fear-mongering campaign.

McCain was frank, garrulous and accessible -- and then he wasn't

If McCain were still the candidate he was in 2000, he might very well be winning this race. What happened to that guy?

Social conservatives fight for control of Republican Party

Haven't they been in control for the last 25 years or so? They're the prime reason why moderate and liberal Republicans have been almost completely driven from the GOP.

Sarah Palin's War on Science

I've never understood the Right's continual assault on science, but I guess it has something to do with the fact that for most of them, scientific knowledge begins and ends with what's found in the Bible.

Is Sarah Palin preparing for 2012?

May God save us from this lunatic.

Monday, October 27, 2008

'How Racism Works'

This has been going around in an e-mail for a couple of months now. I present it here unedited.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?

What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer measured up to his standards?

What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to painkillers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

What if Obama were a member of the Keating-5?

What if McCain were a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

If these questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are? This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference.

You are The Boss... which team would you hire with America facing historic debt, 2 wars, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc.?


Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

University of Delaware - B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899

Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire?

PS: What if Barack Obama had an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter?

Today's Video Vault -- The "Wassssup?!" Edition

Yeah, I didn't hold out a lot of faith that these guys would have lasting success ... ;-)

The man is delusional.

Some reporters need to do their damn homework.

We're getting close. We're finally going to get rid of these Republican schmucks in the White House!

Yep, they sure do things right up there in Alaska ...

Today's Links (10/27) -- The "Headed-For-The-Political-Wildnerness" Edition

Sorry, Senator. Let's Salvage What We Can.

When all the Republican columnists are turning on you, it's over.

The GOP's Road Back

Spending the 1980s in the political wilderness helped the Democrats refocus and pull of the '92 and '96 victories. Spending some time out there might very well help the Republicans.

Why Barack Obama Is Winning,8599,1853025,00.html

It's complicated -- but a simple answer is that voters simply haven't bonded with McCain/Palin, and they're looking for a change.

End of Battle Centers on Turf Bush Carried

"And now, the end is near ..." Thanks, Mr. Sinatra! This thing has been over for at least a month.

Democrats in Steel Country See Color, and Beyond It

I don't believe that the issue of race will ever completely vanish from our lives, unfortunately ... but it seems that things have gotten a lot better over the last few decades.

McCain’s Warning About Voter Fraud Stokes a Fiery Campaign Even Further

If anybody knows anything about stealing elections, it's the Republicans. But it's ridiculous to claim that Obama or his campaign are engaged in such activities.

This Year’s Butterfly Ballot

Grrreat. Just fantastic. Glad to see my home state could foul things up.

McCain Shuns the Wright Factor

It's nice to know that McCain does apparently have some standards.

The Endgame in Florida

It would be nice to win Florida (and get actual credit for it in the Electoral College) ...

McCain Again Asserts Independence From Bush

Me think he doth protest too much.

Obama Avoids Partisan Rhetoric, Focuses on Unity

"Unity" -- what a concept! And definitely something the Republicans forgot about a long time ago.

Cracking Ohio’s Political Code

I only lived there for about two years, but it was long enough to tell you that Ohio is a complex political entity.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Today's Hits from the Video Vault -- The "Palin-Is-A-Nutcase" Edition

This. Woman. Is. Insane.

Absolutely disgusting.

Bill-O is mentally disturbed.

The McCain campaign has come COMPLETELY unhinged.

Today's Links (10/25)

Early-voting trends appear to favor Barack Obama

Well ... duh. :-)

White support for Obama at historic high

I'm not sure what the numbers would be, however, if McCain's campaign wasn't a complete trainwreck.

McCain warns of unchecked Democratic majority in Washington

If Republicans had governed worth a damn over the last 8 years, McCain wouldn't have to worry.

The ACORN Storm

McCain and the GOP just need to quit their whining.

Democrats see karma at work in Georgia race

Karma can be a real b****.

Palin allies report rising campaign tension

Palin knows they're going to lose and she's planning ahead for 2012.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Today's Links (10/24) -- The "Palin-Will-Hire-ANYBODY" Edition

Palin appointed friends and donors to key posts in Alaska, records show,0,5536047.story

Let me get this straight: she hires high school buddies, friends, and donors without regard for their qualifications. Wow -- she's not qualified to be vice president, but she is qualified for a high post in the Bush administration!

Palin says scrutiny of her $150,000 wardrobe is sexist,0,7547177.story

It's not sexist at all. Whether the RNC should've spent $150K on her clothes is a legitimate question.

Something About Sarah

Yep, I think McCain is just on the hunt for his third wife ...

Palin raises gender "double standard"

Would she like some cheese to go with that whine?

Barack Obama for President

The NYT's official endorsement of Barack Obama -- which I know surprises nobody. Still, I encourage you to give it a look, as they make some good points.

Council Backs Bloomberg Bid to Run Again

The voters of NYC have twice stated their desire to have term limits, so where in the hell does the city council get off countermanding their wishes?! Bloomberg is irreplaceable?! Puhhhh-leeeeze.

This Is Not a Test

Being in the military during the Cuban Missile Crisis qualifies McCain no more for the presidency than me being in the stands at a pro football game qualifies me for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

McCain's Hero: More Socialist Than Obama!

Can't have it both ways, John ...

McCain seeks to portray Obama as an extreme liberal,0,2920219.story

Obama isn't an extreme anything, really. This is just another instance of McCain going on the attack instead of talking about important issues.

Last Chapter of a Storybook Campaign

Hmmmmm ... after this is all over, I think I might start reading books again. Who knows?

Civil War on the Right

Don't ya just LOVE watching Republicans hate on each other? :-)

Social Conservatives Aim Fire at GOP Campaign Committee

These people are just nuts.

Today's Video Vault -- The "Opie Lays It Out" Edition

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

When Opie speaks, you've got to listen!

Ferrell is back, baby! But there are some endorsements McCain just doesn't want. ;-)

A mistake-free campaign is impossible. :-)

Where is this "real America?"

I'm with Keith on this one. I've pretty much had all I can take of the "Joe the Plumber" garbage.

It really IS tough to tell who is in charge of the McCain/Palin campaign's message ... but the rats are beginning to desert the sinking ship.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today's Links (10/23) -- The "$150K-on-CLOTHES?!" Edition

Sarah Palin's RNC-funded makeover: a fashion do or don't?

Let's go with "don't."

Look Is the Same; the Labels Have Changed

The RNC just wasted a lot of money ...

GOP donors critical of Palin's pricey threads

I'd be mad, too. Donors to political campaigns don't usually envision their hard-earned money going to pay for somebody's skirt.

Obama and McCain on the Issues

McCain loses on the issues, which is why he has spent a lot more time attacking Obama than talking about them.

The 'real' America, really

There's really no such thing as the "real America."

Michele Bachmann's rival reaps benefits of her 'Hardball' comments

This woman is complete whackjob. She has absolutely no business being an elected official, and I'm hoping that the people in her district come to the same conclusion.

Today's Hits from the Video Vault

Considering their issue positions, it's pretty laughable that ANY Republican talks about "small-town" stuff.

$150K in clothes. Yep, that's a priority.

Hey, at least "That Guy" is on TV. Haven't seen ME on TV lately, have you?

Your Moment of Zen

Wow -- Sarah Palin stretched the truth again? Really? That's just tough to believe. Okay, not really.

McCain/Palin are specializing in hypocrisy, stupidity, irrationality and just about every other negative thing you can think of.

Keith questions McCain's priorities -- and does it well.

Sarah Palin doesn't understand the role she's auditioning for

A couple of days ago, Sarah Palin gave an interview in which she said, among other things, "[A] vice president has a really great job because not only are they there to support the president’s agenda, they’re like the team member, the teammate to that president, but also they’re in charge of the United State Senate. So if they want to, they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes ..."

I'm not even sure where to begin in dissecting the ignorance of her words, but let's start with the basics.

The role of the vice president in the Senate is simply to cast a deciding vote in the event of a 50-50 tie. According to Article I of the U.S. Constitution, the vice president is the "President" of the Senate, but has no executive position when it comes to presiding over the chamber. Does that make sense to you, Sarah, or do you need to take a remedial 9th grade civics course?

Is it unreasonable to believe that someone asking us for their vote should actually know what the responsibilities and powers of the office are?! Didn't think so.

Then there was last week. In public remarks, Palin said, "We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard-working, very patriotic, very pro-America areas of this great nation."


If I'm reading this correctly, Palin appears to believe that if you're with her ticket, well, then you're very "pro-America" -- whatever that means. If, however, you don't view the world as she does, then you're against America and she doesn't think you're particularly wonderful.

Couldn't John McCain have done better than this? Don't the American people deserve better?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today's Links (10/22) -- The "Are-You-Smarter-Than-A-3rd-Grader?" Edition

Sarah Palin, Master of the Senate

Holy crap. Sarah, do you actually believe this garbage? Are you really this ignorant?!

No cavalry coming for McCain

No rescue is coming, John. You're done.

Stolen Elections -- As American As Apple Pie

McCain is pathetic and desperate. Nobody is stealing this election from him -- he has lost it.

They Don't Approve THIS Message!

You can't make up this stuff.

The 'Socialist' Scare

What's next for McCain? What ridiculous accusation will he make next?

The Power of Two Myths

The McCain campaign will be studied in schools of government for decades -- and not for its positive aspects.

RNC shells out $150K for Palin fashion

I think they overpaid, because all of her outfits look the same ... and not much different than things they could've gotten for $10K or less.

In Endgame, Metrics Are Adding Up For Obama

The fat lady ain't singing, but she is drinking her tea & honey and warming up.

Today's Treasures from the Video Vault

Because the World Series is what's REALLY important in this election ...

What's next? Obama to be accused of being a Communist child molester?!

McCain is throwing out this "socialism" crap because he's got nothing else ... at least until the next irrational insult.

"In charge of the United States Senate?!" Shouldn't a person running for vice president actually freakin' understand the constitutional responsibilities and powers of that office?!

This woman is dumber than a bag of hammers.

Sarah Palin is making Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar.

"Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?" ROFL Go get her, Keith! :-)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today's Links (10/21) -- The "Sarah-Palin-Wasn't-Immune-To-Bad-80s-Fashion" Edition

Sarah Palin's college years left no lasting impression,0,2938962.story

No real surprise there. She was hardly at any of these schools long enough to make a significant impression.

Who Cares How Colin Powell Is Voting?

I really didn't think that Powell's endorsement would make much of a difference ... but maybe it will.

The Power of Powell's Rebuke

It was clear that Powell put a lot of thought into this decision and that he has major issues with McCain's campaign. Definitely didn't come to it lightly or easily.

Swing voters are bothered by John McCain's temperament and his party

Some of the rest of us are bothered, too!

Barack Obama turns rivals' words on them in Florida

Truth be told, that's really not too hard to do. After all, they're giving him a LOT of material to work with!

McCain Emphasizes Distance From Bush

He can try that all he wants, but it's tough to believe when he wants to carry on most of Bush's policies.

Questions About Their Health

I agree that all four candidates should release their complete medical records. There really isn't any excuse for not doing it.

Self-inflicted Wound Puts Bachmann in Jeopardy

This woman is completely unhinged. Anybody who saw her on "Hardball" last Friday should question her fitness to hold office.

Worried About the Crazies

They're not the only ones ...

Today's "Thank-God-For-The-'Daily-Show'" Edition of the Video Vault

The people with McCain/Palin have absolutely lost their freakin' minds.

What is a "real" American?

Living in Wasilla probably does weird things to your brain.

My instinct is that Dole will probably pull out a very narrow victory in this race ... but she doesn't deserve it.

I don't know why I'm still surprised when crap like this happens.

Go get 'em, Keith!

The McCain/Palin campaign ran out of substantive things to say A LONG TIME AGO.

Yeah, ACORN is a real threat to America ... NOT.