Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain flubs Palin pick

This is really the best John McCain and the Republican Party could do? McCain performed almost no due diligence before choosing Sarah Palin, raising questions about his management skills. His pick of an unqualified woman is a transparent attempt to bring over Hillary Clinton supporters and appeal to the conservative base of the Republican Party, although in the process he negated his own campaign’s ability to use Obama’s alleged inexperience against him.

Now it seems that with each new day comes a fresh revelation. Time magazine reported that soon after taking office as mayor of Wasilla, Palin attempted to fire a librarian who had said she would not ban books from the public library. It was then revealed that both her husband and oldest child aren’t Republicans but registered Independents. This was followed by the revelation of her daughter’s pregnancy, a fact for which a Democrat would be castigated by the Religious Right but which, in this case, has brought comments like those of Focus On The Family founder James Dobson, who said, “She and her family are human.”

One has to wonder what startling revelations are coming next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i bet palin is actually an alien from another planet.