Friday, November 7, 2008

McCain's Biggest Mistake?

The other day, CNN's Jack Cafferty asked his viewers what we thought was John McCain's biggest mistake in this year's presidential campaign.

McCain made so many mistakes that it’s almost impossible to pick just one as his biggest error. From picking the most unqualified running mate in history (who apparently doesn't know the countries in NAFTA or that Africa is a continent and not a country) to adopting the very campaign strategies he decried in 2000, his campaign was, to borrow a military term, FUBAR. He should be proud of his service to his country — but ashamed of the divisive campaign he ran in this race.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Biggest mistake? PALIN.

Anonymous said...

palin was a HUGE mistake, but his biggest was taking advice from the bush people.

Anonymous said...

the fake suspension of his campaign made him look really stupid.

Anonymous said...

PALIN. No doubt.

Anonymous said...

it begins and ends with alaska barbie.