Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today's Links (9/16)

[Italicized comments are my own and not from the referenced article.]

Palin aide says Obama backers politicizing Alaska investigation

Listen, lady -- if you don't have anything to hide, do the smart thing and cooperate.

Running on a Lie

It takes amazing guts (and a truckload of stupidity) to keep telling a lie over and over again even after it's been proven a lie.

The Ugly New McCain

McCain has sold his sold in an effort to win this election.

Tanning Bed to Troopergate: Palin Aides Kept Scrambling

Let me make sure I've got this straight: the person running for vice president on a ticket with a man who has suffered from skin cancer on multiple occasions has a freakin' tanning bed in the governor's mansion?! Good grief ...


Anybody expecting the Republican ticket to do things that make sense is probably going to end up disappointed.

Politicians Lie, Numbers Don't

Democrats manage an economy better than Republicans? Well, duh ...

Adviser calls BlackBerry 'miracle' McCain 'helped create'

Wow -- and I thought McCain didn't even know how to use e-mail!

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