Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spears vs. Palin

Lynne Spears makes several good points in today's New York Daily News -- ...

In my first post on this blog, I briefly wrote of Bristol Palin's pregnancy, saying that it is "a fact for which a Democrat would be castigated by the Religious Right but which, in this case, has brought comments like those of Focus On The Family founder James Dobson, who said, 'She and her family are human.'”

I still believe that to be the case. Can you freakin' imagine what James Dobson would have to say if this were Barack Obama's daughter? Bill O'Reilly of Faux News went apes**t crazy on the Spears pregnancy, blaming her parents for not "controlling" their daughter ... but did no such thing when the Palin pregnancy was revealed. Why? In what way were the circumstances different -- other than one of them has a mother running for vice president on the Republican ticket?

Abortion rights opponents, many of whom are the same folks opposing sex education, are now holding up Bristol Palin as a shining example of a teenager making what they call the right choice. How conveniently they forget the fact that her first choice -- having sex -- is one that they normally would not defend (and would, in fact, attack).

Finally, let's talk about Sarah Palin's relationship with her family. What kind of mother thrusts herself and her family into the national spotlight with something like a teenage pregnancy going on? How fair is that to her daughter and future grandchild? How selfish of her.


Anonymous said...

dude, i dont know how a mom could do that, but this one is clearly a few screws shy of a swingset.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is a lunatic, and a lunatic isn't going to think straight when offered the chance to be VP.

Anonymous said...

you ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!