Letterman keeps up McCain tirade
I'd be ticked off, too. And since Letterman has been known to enjoy a good running bit, he might keep this up for a few more days. :-)
Three myths about those town-hall meetings Obama refused to do
McCain never really wanted to have those stupid meetings. It was just another instance of him creating an issue or controversy where none really existed. He was just trying to throw Obama off of his game, and it's really pathetic that he's still at it.
Commentary: McCain has his priorities straight
My commentary? This writer is engaging in a misleading and oversimplified analysis -- and is, in fact, a doofus.
Palin Explains Alaska-Russia Foreign Policy Remark
Her explanation (boiled down to its essence): she's got the intellectual depth of a wading pool, so we should just overlook it.
Wasilla Watch: Sarah Palin and the Rape Kits
The truth? Palin was not a particularly good mayor and has not been all that successful as a governor, either. And those are the best things that can be said about her tenures. She's surely not qualified to be on a national ticket.
Palin talks to Couric -- and if she's lucky, few are listening
Good grief ... what else is left to say about this candidate?! She's completely nuts and shouldn't be in charge of a PTA organization, let alone a state with the population of Charlotte, NC.
McCain resurrects an old stunt
All McCain has left are "old stunts." This election is effectively over, and he knows it.
Drama King to the Rescue
McCain is good at making things all about him. He talks about "country first," but that's a load of garbage.
What Bush Left Out
What does Dubya usually leave out? Coherent thoughts ... and occasionally, uh, verbs.
Palin Accepted $25,000 in Gifts, Alaska Records Show
"Alex, I'll take 'HYPOCRISY' for $500 ..."
Biden 'to be replaced by Hillary' on Obama ticket
I seriously doubt there is any truth to this rumor. If anybody ought to be replaced, it's the whole GOP ticket.
1 comment:
Palin is an unqualified hack.
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